Lawyers & Realtors, please request to open an account. We will verify and approve your account within 1 business day. You will be notified by email with a username and password.

My Information

Account Type*
Company Name*
First Name*
Last Name*
Daytime Telephone *
Suite Number
Street Number*
Street Name*
City * Province/State*
Country * Postal Code/Zip Code *

Mailing Address

If different, Please input your address.

Suite Number
Street Number*
Street Name*
City * Province/State*
Country * Postal Code/Zip Code *
I hereby declare that I have obtained valid and sufficient authorization from the Legal Unit Owner to obtain any/all documents relating to their unit. I understand that I may need to provide proof of authorization from the owner of the unit in question and must be able to provide this information at any time when requested by Rancho. I understand that a signed letter from the owner or copy of the signed listing agreement will be accepted as proof of authorization. Furthermore, I understand that there are NO REFUNDS and NO EXCEPTIONS after completing and paying for a document request. All sales are final.